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Single-number for airborne sound insulation

To calculate the sound transmission loss of single wall or double wall for different materials, try AcouVApp IsolX!

Acoustic Insulation Calculation Based on ISO 717-1

This calculation follows the ISO 717-1 standard and provides single-number quantities for airborne sound insulation in the frequency range of 100-3150Hz. It also includes the option to extend calculations below 100Hz and above 3150Hz if data is available.

File Upload and Frequency Range Detection

You can upload files with a single column of data, and the system will automatically detect the frequency range based on the number of data points:

  • 16 data points: 100Hz to 3150Hz
  • 18 data points: 100Hz to 5000Hz
  • 21 data points: 50Hz to 5000Hz

Lnw: This feature will be added soon.

References: ISO 717-1: Acoustics – Rating of sound insulation in buildings and building elements.

And to calculate the complete Transmission Loss of materials, use AcouVApp Insul or if you want to evaluate the Critical Frequency, try AcouVApp Critical