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Spectrum Analysis

Audio File Analysis Methods

Various types of analyses can be performed on the audio file, including:

  • Time Analysis: This analysis calculates the RMS value over the time frame specified by the user, offering insights into the time-domain characteristics of the audio.
  • Spectrum Analysis: The spectrum analysis is based on the calculation of the 1-D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) using real input, averaged over all samples. The total time is divided by the user-defined sample time. Source: SciPy rfft.
  • Spectrogram Analysis: This analysis is performed by calculating consecutive Fourier transforms over the time frames entered by the user. It visualizes how the frequency spectrum changes over time. Source: SciPy spectrogram.
  • Octave Spectrum: This method utilizes a Butterworth filter with Second-Order Sections coefficients and an Order 16 Butterworth filter. It is particularly useful for acoustic analysis in different octave bands. Source: PyOctaveBand.

Each method provides detailed insights into different aspects of the audio, such as frequency content, time-domain behavior, and spectrum analysis across time.
