Calculation of the Acoustic Transmission Loss - AcouVApp IsolX


AcouVApp IsolX is designed to calculate the acoustic transmission loss of single and double partitions analytically, based on the findings of various research studies and internal R&D efforts.

Acoustic Transmission Loss (TL) measures the effectiveness of a material or structure, like a wall or partition, in reducing the amount of sound energy transmitted through it. This metric is essential for designing soundproofing solutions in buildings, industrial spaces, and other environments where noise control is crucial.

The global formula of the acoustic transmission loss is :

\[ TL =10\log_{10} (\frac{1}{\tau})= 10\log_{10} ( \frac{W_{in}}{W_{out}} ) \]

with τ, the tranmssion coefficient, Win, the incident acoustic power and Wout the acoustic power radiated on the other sides of the panel

The objective of AcouVApp IsolX is to propose a comprehensive model (or a combination of models) that consolidates existing knowledge on acoustic insulation calculation, thereby assisting acousticians in their daily practice and to offer an educationnal tools easily accessible.

The next sections provide a detailed description of the theoretical foundations underlying the models, along with comparisons between calculated results and experimental measurements. Where appropriate, a brief discussion of potential improvements to the models is included. Input data for the calculations are presented alongside the resulting curves and have been sourced from material databases or estimated based on measurements.

Readers are encouraged to compare their data with the provided calculations and to reach out for further discussion and insights.

It is important to note that this model forms part of a more extensive framework developed by Impulsion Acoustique for research and development purposes. For detailed calculations tailored to your specific products, do not hesitate to contact us.

Theory of the models used in the calculation of the transmission loss of single and double wall

Single Wall Model (SWM)

The acoustic performance of materials (thin and isotropic) depends on the frequency of the sound wave relative to the material's critical frequency (fc). The following zones highlight how sound behaves across different frequency ranges:

Single Wall - Transmission Loss - Theory

In AcouVApp IsolX, mainly the models use different theory developed last decades:

The current implementation does not account for orthotropic materials (materials with varying stiffness in different directions), which is under development. Additionally, composite materials (e.g., laminated systems with two panels and a soft core) are not yet supported. Furthermore, the first mode of vibration is not included in the calculations.

Double Wall Model (DWM)

A double wall is composed on 2 single walls (or multilayers) separated by a cavity that can be with or without absorption (airbone path). These 2 walls are connected by structural links (structure borne path).

For the transmission loss of a double wall, different frequencies ranges are important as show on the pictures:

Double Wall - Transmission Loss - Theory

For the double wall model, different theories have been used as the transmission loss can divided in 2 parts : The airborne and structureborne path.

Applications of Acoustic Transmission Loss

Understanding the transmission loss behavior of materials and systems is crucial for:

Learn More about acoustic

For further insights into acoustic performance and soundproofing solutions, explore the module to calculate the critical frequency or browse our acoustic product database to have an overview of acoustic performances of real products.

Comparison between experimental and calculations results of the acoustic transmission loss

Single Wall

Concrete 200mm

Concrete 200mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data

Concrete 200mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 61 60 56
Calculation 61 60 55

Concrete 140mm

Concrete 140mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
Concrete 140mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 55 53 48
Calculation 55 53 49

Hollow Concrete 215mm

Hollow Concrete 215mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
Hollow Concrete 215mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 55 54 51
Calculation 57 55 50

The global value is quite well calculated as it depends strongly of the low-mid frequency performances. For this material, some differences appear in high frequency probably due to some resonances not taken into account in the model. Moreover in low frequency, some dips are present probably due to orthotropic behaviour of this kind of product.

Ceramic Hollow Brick Block 250mm

Ceramic Hollow Brick 250mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
Ceramic Hollow Brick Block 250mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 47 47 44
Calculation 50 49 46

In low frequency, some dips are present probably due to orthotropic behaviour of this kind of product. In high frequency, some investigations are needed.

Drywall 6.4mm

Drywall 6.4mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
Drywall 6.4mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 24 22 19
Calculation 24 23 20

Drywall 12.7mm

Drywall 12.7mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
Drywall 12.7mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 28 27 25
Calculation 29 27 26

Drywall 12.7mm + 12.7mm

Drywall 12.7mm + 12.7mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
Drywall 12.7mm + 12.7mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 34 33 31
Calculation 35 34 32

Double Wall

72mm partition - 12.5mm plasterboard both sides with 45mm biomaterial wool

Double Wall - Input Data
Drywall 72mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
72mm partition - 12.5mm plasterboard both sides with 45mm biomaterial wool Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 40 35 29
Calculation with studs 38 35 29
Calculation with lines 39 36 29

98mm partition - 2 x 12.5mm plasterboard both sides with 45mm biomaterial wool

Drywall 98mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Drywall 98mm - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
Double Wall - Input Data
98mm partition - 2 x 12.5mm plasterboard both sides with 45mm biomaterial wool Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 47 42 35
Calculation with studs 48 44 37
Calculation with lines 48 44 38

This calculation is interesting because with an uncertainty of 2dB, the extrapolation from the calculation of the 72mm partition works well (no adaptation only add the materials).

200mm Separative - 2 x 15mm with 50mm absorbing material in 140mm cavity

Drywall 200mm - No links - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
Drywall 200mm - Lines - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Double Wall - Input Data
200mm Separative - 2 x 15mm with 50mm absorbing material in 140mm cavity Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr(dB)
Measurement 67 64 58
Calculation with no links 65 61 54
Calculation with lines 66 62 54

In this calculations, some differences are present in low frequencies. Low frequency are often the frequency range with more uncertainties due to modal behaviour of the room, the plate and the mounting of the panel.

Wood floor with ceiling + 2 plasterboard 13mm

Double Wall - Input Data
Wood floor with ceiling + 2 plasterboard 13mm- Lines - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
Wood floor with ceiling + 2 plasterboard 13mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 56 54 48
Calculation with points 57 54 48

Timber 94mm with 2 x Plasterboard13 - 45mm glass wool - Metal studs 48mm

Double Wall - Input Data
DWM - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
DWM - Input Data
Wood floor with ceiling + 2 plasterboard 13mm Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 57 54 47
Calculation with points 55 52 44

Some dips appear in low frequency. This type of wood panel has often a orthoptropic behaviour that add more critical frequcies.

Window 4-18-4 - PVC frame

Double Wall - Input Data
DWM - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
DWM - Input Data
Window 4-18-4 - PVC frame Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 34 32 29
Calculation with lines 33 32 28

The global value and shape of the curve is quite representative of the realities. However, In high frequencies, there are some differences due to probably to the framecontribution (the model is not taken into account complex frame) and also the absorption in the cavity depth (no absorption but the behaviour in the border is complicated).

Fixed Window 66-52-66 (3.8m * 2.8) - Aluminium frame

Double Wall - Input Data
DWM - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
DWM - Input Data
Window 4-18-4 - PVC frame Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB)
Measurement 47 45 41
Calculation with lines 48 46 41

The global value and shape of the curve is quite representative of the reality. However, In high frequencies, there are some differences due to probably to the frame contribution (the model is not taken into account complex frame) and also the absorption in the cavity depth (no absorption but the behaviour in the border is complicated). The damping and youg modulus is not well known too.

Window 44.Ac(16)66.AC with wood frame

Double Wall - Input Data
DWM - Comparison Calculation / Measurement
DWM - Input Data
Window 44.Ac(16)66.AC with wood frame Rw (dB) Rw+C (dB) Rw+Ctr (dB) td>
Measurement 42 41 39
Calculation with lines 47 45 40

Even if the low frequencies (and final Rw+Ctr) are comparable to the measurement, important differences are present in mid-high frequencies. The wood frame contribution should be an explanation and more compliance value for this kind of structure could help to have better data.


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